
Yutaka Kouno

Doctor in pharmacology at a medical university in Japan, he studied at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the U.S. as a visiting scientist, where he conducted research to elucidate the function of novel receptors. He then moved to a venture capital firm specializing in investment in bio-venture companies, where he evaluated technologies and provided general management support, including R&D, to the portfolio companies. He was a part-time lecturer at three universities, where he explained the drug discovery process and lectured on the drug discovery industry. Based on those experience, he was hired by the Osaka Prefectural Government and was involved in drafting support and promotion measures for companies involved in medical devices, drug discovery, and regenerative medicine, as well as in negotiations with the national government on deregulation. After retiring from the Osaka Prefectural Government, he worked as an advisor for drug discovery research at a pharmaceutical company and promoted the Regional Innovation Ecosystem Formation Project (a project to integrate mid-molecular drug discovery and IT) at the Kawasaki City Industrial Promotion Foundation. He continues to provide comprehensive support based on his experience and network spanning industry, academia, and government.